Quarto Blog Tutorial 4: Shared Metadata

Share YAML metadata options across multiple documents

In this post I will explain one of the most important features of blog (or generally Quarto) projects: The ability to share YAML metadata options across multiple documents. Shared metadata can be defined at both the blog (project) and directory level.

Peter Baumgartner


July 25, 2024


July 25, 2024

Seven different hands grab a slice of a salami pizza cut in eight different pieces.

Sharing resources via metadata.
Foto von cottonbro studio via Pexels.com


Shared YAML metadata can be defined at both the project and directory level:

  • project level: filename _quarto.yml
  • directory level: filename _metadata.yml

For more information, see Project Basics – Quarto Shared Metadata

Project Level

On the project level, I will change only the provided URLs for my GitHub and Twitter accounts in this first step.

Before My Change
  type: website

  title: "Life Long Learning Lab"
      - about.qmd
      - icon: github
        href: https://github.com/
      - icon: twitter
        href: https://twitter.com
    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css
After My Change
  type: website

  title: "Life Long Learning Lab"
      - about.qmd
      - icon: github
        href: https://github.com/petzi53/quarto-pb-blog
      - icon: twitter
        href: https://x.com/pbaumgartner
    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css

Directory Level

We have seen in an previous post that there is a _metadata.yml file in the posts folder.

Before My Change
# options specified here will apply to all posts in this folder

# freeze computational output
# (see https://quarto.org/docs/projects/code-execution.html#freeze)
freeze: true

# Enable banner style title blocks
title-block-banner: true
After My Change
# options specified here will apply to all posts in this folder

# freeze computational output
# (see https://quarto.org/docs/projects/code-execution.html#freeze)
freeze: true

# Enable banner style title blocks
title-block-banner: false

# Author name of all blog posts
author: 'Peter Baumgartner'

# Table of content settings
toc: true
toc-depth: 4

page-layout: article

The changes are self-explanatory, so short comments will suffice:

  • title-block-banner: I have already removed the title block banner from the home page listings and will disable it for blog posts as well. (I will revise this decision after I have written several posts. Maybe the title block banner is very useful for displaying a short description of the article.)
  • author: All articles in my blog will be written by me.
  • toc and toc-depth: I want a table of contents on the right side of the blog post, with a maximum of four levels. (I will revise this decision after I have written some longer articles. Maybe the TOC levels go too deep.)
  • page-layout: I have already explained the page-layout: full directive from the title home page index.qmd. Now we want an article layout, because it creates a content area with a page-based grid layout that provides margins, areas for sidebars, and a reading width-optimized body region.

Git and GitHub

I will commit these third bulk of changes to Git and my demonstration repository quarto-pb-blog on GitHub.

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